David Lebovitz’s Sweet and Savory tour of Paris
  • 01
  • Dec
  • 2009

David Lebovitz’s new book  The sweet life in Paris, is just published and some of his foodietips are here 

Start the morning with bread from artisan boulangerie Du pain et des Idées (34 Rue Yves Toudic, 75010 Paris) or from Eric Kayser ( 85 Boulevard Malesherbes, 75008 Paris- plus other locations around Paris) or from La boulangerie par Véronique Mauclerc (83 Rue de Crimée, 75019 Paris).

As an afternoonsnack pick up some chouquettes (cream puffs covered with sugar and baked until brown) at Aux Péchés Normands (9 Rue du Faubourg du Temple, 75010 Paris).

If you love Alsatian kugelhopf (a semisweet confection somewhere between a cake and a bread, spiked with rum and almonds). It’s available but only at weekends at Vandermeersch (278 Av. Deaumesnil, 75012 Paris).

For a morning pastry look for a bostock(a disk of light almond cake topped with crackly almonds) which you can pick up at Ladurée (75 Av des Champs-Elysées, 75008 Paris)


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